首頁  >  廠牌分類  >  ISOTECH 一級與二級實驗室  >  一級標準SPRT與TC  >  標準白金電阻溫度計 -200°C to 670°C

Isotech Model 670 SPRT

-200°C to 670°C

The 670SQ is our latest thermometer, to be specifically designed to give optimum performance up to the aluminium point.

  • 25.5 Ohm SPRT
  • Outstanding Performance
Models 670SQ, 670SH, 670SL
Measuring Range -200°C to 670°C
Nominal Resistance 25.5Ω Ro
Resistance Ratio Wga > 1.11807 as required by ITS-90
Sensitivity 0.1Ω / °C (25.5Ω)
Long term drift from 0.001°C / year depending on use
How to order Models 670SQ, 670SH, 670SL / 25.5 or 670SQ, 670SH / 100. State “with UKAS Calibration” or “without UKAS Calibration”.
670 SPRT 型錄
Introduction to Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers, SPRTS