To incorporated the advancement of Taiwan industries and the development of high-tech and to further push Taiwan to be a high-tech island in the century 21, therefore it can be predicated that hereafter the products and the technology would be continuously renovated. At the same time, the new instruments and measuring technology will be also developed to measure and test those new products and new technique.
所以 "穎新科技有限公司" 於民國八十七年 ( 1998 ) 五月七日創立。顧名思義,其創立宗旨:在於提供最新,永不落伍之儀器及量測技術來服務客戶。使得客戶藉此能提昇其產品之品質及研發之技術。達到"客戶"與"穎新科技"之間能相輔相成,共同成長發展,並對社會有所貢獻。
Ever New Technology Co., Ltd. was established on May 7, 1998. As the name showed, the purpose of its establishment is to provide the latest and not outmoded instruments and measuring technology to serve our customers. We hope this could help our customer to level up their product's quality and the development of technology and at final to attain the goal that "Ever New" and "customer" could mutually help each other to have a further business growth and make a contribution to our country.
Time of Establishment:May 7, 1998