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Semi Standard PRTS

We now have 90 degree angled probes to a maximum temperature of 660°C.

These industrial platinum resistance thermometers are ideal for field and lab use. Suitable for use as working standards in Dry Blocks and Liquid Baths or as high accuracy probes for our range of True Temperature Indicators.

  • High Accuracy, -200°C to 660°C
  • Working Standards In Dry Blocks and Liquid Baths
  • Field and Laboratory Use


Model Range Diameter Length
General Purpose      Further Details
935-14-112 -5o°C to 250°C 3 mm 225 mm
935-14-61 -5o°C to 250°C 4 mm 300 mm
935-14-13 -196°C to 250°C 6 mm 350 mm
935-14-113 -100°C to 250°C 6 mm 350 mm
935-14-16 -100°C to 450°C 6 mm 450 mm
935-14-116 -100°C to 450°C 6 mm 350 mm
935-14-72 -5o°C to 670°C 6 mm 375 mm
935-14-98 -5o°C to 350°C 4 mm 300 mm
Working Industrial Standards      Further Details
935-14-95L -200°C to 165°C 6 mm 480 mm
935-14-95H -8o°C to 670°C 6 mm 480 mm
Angled Probes      Further Details
935-14-82 -5o°C to 250°C 4 mm 165 mm
935-14-85 -5o°C to 250°C 6 mm 385 mm
935-14-75 -5o°C to 250°C 4 mm 213 mm
935-14-79 0°C to 660°C 6 mm 199 mm
Ro 100Ω ± 0.05Ω
Alpha 0.003850 ± 0.000005
Standard IEC 60751
Stability 0.010Ω/ year
Recommended Current 1mA
Self Heating at 1mA 0.004°C
Calibration Optional UKAS Calibration at extra cost. See table for typical uncertainties.
Connection 4 Wire
Max. Handle Temperature 80°C
型錄 工業用白金電阻溫度計