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This model is a lower cost alternative to the ITL M 18205. This model is a simple apparatus open to the atmosphere comprising a stainless steel dewar flask filled with liquid Nitrogen, an insulating layer which houses a metallic equalising block and thermometer holder

  • Safe to use
  • Economical



This model is a lower cost alternative to the ITL M 18205. This model is a simple apparatus open to the atmosphere comprising a stainless steel dewar flask filled with liquid Nitrogen, an insulating layer which houses a metallic equalising block and thermometer holder. Lastly a split insulated lid reduces evaporation and permits easy addition of liquid Nitrogen.

From time to time extra liquid Nitrogen must be added, approximately every 30 minutes, to keep the dewar flask full.

The dewar flask is 100mm inside diameter and 280mm deep. The standard equalizing block houses four SPRTs or industrial thermometers up to 8mm in diameter, giving ±0.002°C temperature uniformity.

Method of Operation

A standard calibrated SPRT is placed in the equalizing block together with the sensors to be calibrated. The whole is allowed equilibriate.

The level is checked and Nitrogen added as necessary and readings taken 10 minutes afterwards.

The Isotech Simple Liquid Nitrogen Apparatus is safe to use, having no glass dewar flask internally to explode.

A comprehensive handbook accompanies the apparatus which includes an article by Henry E. Sostmann on the corrections required to convert the calibration to the ITS-90 value of the Argon Triple Point.



Model 461
Temperature Range -196°C Nominal
Uncertainty ±0.002°C – the temperature distribution across the block is typically 2mK. To this must be added the uncertainty issued with the calibration certificate from the National Library. Extra uncertainties also exist if dissimilar probes are compared.
Power N/A
Dewar Dimensions Inside diameter 100mm, Depth 280mm, Volume 3 litres.
Thermometer wells Four 8mm as standard, others to special order.
How to order 461 Simple Liquid N2 Apparatus
Nitrogen Apparatus Model 461


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